Hello This is Kylexy. I bought sawdust for a long time, took out longevity-like and stag beetle worm larvae, I changed the sawdust, and I had time with my children ^^ to go to sawdust when I was wondering how much I grew up!
I tried to put vinyl on the floor like this and put it in a big barrel for management, but it wasn't easy ^^.
I poured it partially, and so the children took it out.
This is a stag beetle worm larvae.
This guy is trying to pervert.
So I took it out and dug a puddle in the middle of it and managed it.
After just a minute, it's like this!
I managed these fable children separately.
There is the child who is so allegred!
It's cute to look at our second thing with wonder! We'll talk about longevity-like fables in the wall, but longevity-like caterpillars are not a joke!
From Kylexy
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